As a parent of a future Prep (Foundation) student, we understand that the process of selecting your child’s future school and their transition into this new phase of their life can sometimes seem overwhelming. Starting school is an important milestone in any child and family's life, and we understand that transition to school requires additional thought, time, planning and support to make the process as smooth and as positive as possible.
This is why, at St Joseph's, we believe a Transition program is highly important;
We understand that transition is a process and plan to strengthen it, to ensure children are supported and their wellbeing enhanced.
Building on children’s prior and current experiences helps children feel secure, confident and connected. Successful transition involves planned, professional conversations about each child in which the contributions of all parties are valued. Learning, development and wellbeing are central to successful transition
Young children’s play allows them to explore, identify, negotiate, take risks and create meaning. Children who engage in quality play experiences are more likely to have well developed memory skills, language development and are able to regulate their behaviour, leading to enhanced school adjustment and academic learning (Bodrova E & Leong, DJ 2005).
When we attend to children’s physical, cognitive, spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing, we foster their confidence, optimism, perseverance and resilience – they are more able to concentrate and co-operate, and their learning potential is maximised.
Building genuine partnerships with families based on reciprocity and respect, is in the best interests of children
Our Transition Program
When children first start school, there is a lot for them to get used to. Some children will adapt more easily than others. There are many things you can do to help your child transition to school as smoothly as possible. To aid in this, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, runs an extensive Transition Program for all future Prep students, beginning in Term 3 the year before the child is due to commence school.
Transition Sessions allow students to become familiar with some of the routines of school and meet our wonderful teachers. They might even meet a new friend! Children will participate in a variety of activities and will also receive their own Welcome to St Joseph’s.
During the Transition period, we also offer a number of Information Sessions for parents to learn more about the school, curriculum, daily routines, and how you can help at home.
Each year we hold five transition sessions throughout August/November for our incoming Prep students to attend. These sessions allow children the chance to familiarise themselves with their classroom, teachers and other students. Prep transition sessions include activities in our Prep classrooms, as well as our Music Room, library and playground, along with a physical education activity. Parents are invited to enjoy a coffee in our school hall and are offered presentations to assist them through the transition process.
Our fifth and final Prep Transition presentation for parents to attend includes information from our Principal, APC, APRE and other special guests.