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The Positive Behaviour Support and Wellbeing Policy guides all members of our school community to contribute to a safe and supportive environment at St Joseph’s. In response to this policy, Positive Behaviour Support and Wellbeing Guidelines will be implemented to effectively outline  the Social Emotional Learning curriculum at St Joseph’s Catholic School, supported by evidence-based practices and programs in the Tiers of Positive Behaviour Support.


At St Joseph’s, we approach correction and follow through by:

  • using positive classroom language (unconditional positive regard, affective statements, restorative conversations, triage conversations) to redirect inappropriate behaviour back to the learning task and away from the behaviour

  • using proximity, body language and facial expressions to encourage students to remain on-task

  • deliberately giving minimal attention to safe, off-task/inappropriate behaviour

  • respectfully giving the student/s the available choices and their logical consequences, placing the responsibility for the behaviour and subsequent consequence back onto the student

  • maintaining and reviewing behaviour records to enable monitoring of escalating or persistent behaviours

  • following through with resolute, planned action for extended off-task behaviour when all other strategies have not been effective (use of Responsible Thinking Buddy Class, the Responsible Thinking Room)

Intensive Behaviour Support

Ready to Learn Plan (RTLP)

A Ready to Learn Plan is a prearranged deal between student and teacher to provide a student with de-escalating and self-regulating strategies. Options increase a student’s sense of control and safety.  When in a calm and reflective state, the plan is developed to use when stressed, reactive or feeling anxious. The plan will be collaboratively developed by the class teacher and the student with support from the Learning Support Teacher. RTLPs are to be reviewed regularly by the class teacher, with feedback given to the student and parents.(Appendix 12).


Positive Behaviour Support Plan (PBSP)

Students identified as requiring frequent redirection for minor behaviour infringements will be provided a Positive Behaviour Support Plan. The plan will be collaboratively developed by the class teacher, the student and their parents with support from the Leadership team. PBSPs are reviewed regularly by the class teacher, with feedback given to the student and parents. PBSPs will be signed off and behaviour records maintained by the class teacher. If the PBSP does not result in improved behaviour outcomes, students will be moved on to an Individual Behaviour Plan.


Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP)

An Individual Behaviour Plan is an intensive plan that details all necessary support for a student requiring further intervention to achieve success at learning and forming positive relationships in the school following the implementation of a PBSP. The plan may include proactive and reactive responses to student behaviour. It may also include interagency support and support from medical or psychological practitioners. The plan is developed collaboratively with parents, teachers, support personnel and outside agencies, and is reviewed at the end of each term.


Safety Plan (SP)

Students identified as requiring support to keep themselves and others from harm will be provided a Safety Plan. The plan will be collaboratively developed by the School Counsellor, teacher and parents with support from the Leadership Team. SPs are reviewed weekly by the School Counsellor and assessed based on the needs of the student.

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