At Joseph’s, we acknowledge that our students are individuals and this individualism also applies to our students' learning needs, learning styles and cultural diversity.
Support for our learners starts from the very beginning. Once an enrolment application has been submitted, the school seeks to gather student information to ensure the student’s enrolment is a positive and meaningful educational experience. During our enrolment interview, the Principal, in consultation with parents and stakeholders, will start the initial process of identifying specific needs and the reasonable adjustments required for the student to access the curriculum and the school environment without creating unjustifiable hardship for any party.
Our school is very blessed to have a team of experienced, passionate and dedicated teacher assistants (TAs) working across our school. Each of our TAs are assigned to work with a specific year level. This model of assigning our TAs to a specific year level allows students to become familiar and comfortable with seeking assistance and support from the TA as well as the teacher. It also means that our TAs work with all members of the school community. TAs start the school day with the students and support all learners during our key literacy and numeracy sessions.
Where particular needs are identified, our classroom teachers may also seek assistance, support and guidance from other members of staff, including the Principal and members of the Leadership Team, the Learning Support Teacher, the School Counsellor and our Indigenous Support Staff. This team approach allows us to support all learners including:
Students with diagnosed needs
Students with learning difficulties
Students who have English as their second language
Students from diverse backgrounds
Students who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Students requiring enrichment in various learning areas.
Communication between teachers and parents is encouraged and welcomed. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher if they have any concerns regarding their child’s learning or growth.